Taking the First Step Into Alcohol Treatment

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Taking the First Step Into Alcohol Treatment

Overcoming alcohol use and taking the first step into a dedicated alcohol treatment program is a massive time of change. It is normal to have a mix of anxieties and reservations about alcohol treatment and the journey ahead. However, effective outpatient alcohol treatment can be the catalyst for developing healthy change while providing the skills and opportunities necessary to facilitate a transformative approach to a new life.

Navigating these initial changes and knowing what to expect during the first step into outpatient alcohol treatment can empower those considering beginning their sober journey. The Redpoint Center provides professional support to ensure that clients are getting the foundational resources necessary to make the most of treatment programs.

Being Ready For Treatment

Knowing it is the right time for treatment is a combination of factors. While commitment is important, it is also vital to know who the treatment is necessary for.

Multiple aspects of an individual's life are often impacted by addiction. When work, home, or social lives begin to have a negative impact, it is a sign that an individual's substance use is a problem. While social drinking is common, addiction is very different. It can decrease productivity at work, negatively impact relationships, and make it hard to function daily.

Due to the physical dependence on addiction, there are signs to look for. For example, those with addiction may find it challenging or impossible to abstain from substances. Moreover, lying is common during addiction. Additional signs could include:

  • Impaired speech or thinking
  • Blackouts
  • Inability to stop drinking even after it causes relationship or health issues
  • Excessive drinking
  • Mood swings
  • Unusual aggression, anger, violence, or irritation

Recognize There Is a Problem

Treatment is a big step. However, it starts with the initial process of recognizing there is a problem. Addiction is a serious disease that requires professional help. Getting treatment not only helps to detox from physical addiction but also helps an individual make behavioral changes that impact their use of substances.

Being ready for treatment means that an individual understands the need for it. It is ok to not feel completely prepared. In fact, this is common. Due to the fact that treatment requires an individual to make substantial changes, they are unlikely to know and feel ready for it. Making changes is difficult; it means learning and behaving in ways one is not accustomed to.

Why Commitment Is Important?

Researchers have found that those who commit to change are more likely to change. Therefore, the practice of commitment is very valuable. This practice includes thinking about what an individual wants to change, how they want to change it, and taking note of their commitment. Committing often includes writing it down or speaking to others about our plans to change.

Using the Intake Assessment

Upon arriving at a dedicated treatment facility, there is typically an intake assessment. The intake assessment can be intimidating for those just beginning their healing journey. Discussing the feelings associated with the use of alcohol can be difficult. For some, feelings of shame, guilt, and regret can be palpable, and it is completely normal to want to avoid discussing vulnerable topics.

The professionals at The Redpoint Center are committed to creating a safe space to explore these challenges. It is important to approach this assessment with honesty.

Judgment Free

These assessments are not meant to judge any individual but rather ensure that the outpatient program and services offered align with each individual's needs. This time is meant to help professionals and those pursuing treatment alike create the most effective personalized outpatient treatment program.

Comprehensive Assessment of Health History

Likewise, these assessments will explore an individual's life beyond the direct use of alcohol, addressing the other factors that may inform a person's use. Discussing anxiety, depression, or the prevalence of other mental health needs, and any past traumas that may inform an individual's engagement with alcohol, is all part of this process to ensure that Redpoint and the professionals at our Glenwood location are prepared to create the most effective treatment plan possible.

Redpoint's Holistic Approach to Alcohol Treatment

An individual will have opportunities to engage with new ideas, hobbies, or outlets from their very first step into treatment. Having an open mind about new hobbies or self-care strategies can ensure that each individual is beginning their healing journey from AUD with the most opportunities possible to address alcohol in an effective, comprehensive manner.

Engaging in experiential therapies, trying new outlets (like meditation, yoga, or other therapeutic options), and more can scaffold these practices outside the walls of a treatment facility, with the impact and healing of Redpoint continuing to make a difference at home for a truly transformative life.

At The Redpoint Center, treatment will help clients develop the tools necessary to begin their sober journey.

Taking the first step into a dedicated alcohol treatment program can be difficult, but we at The Redpoint Center are ready to help you not only begin your own journey to sobriety but also develop the skills and strategies to continue tending to daily life through our effective outpatient treatment programs. We have multiple locations throughout Colorado to help you find your own recovery community that can facilitate the most effective and personalized change. We are prepared to help you explore all of your options for overcoming alcohol use. To learn more about how we can help you take this first step, call to speak to us today at (303) 219-0973.


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1831 Lefthand Cir, Suite H

Longmont, CO 80501

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400 E Horsetooth Rd, Suite 202

Fort Collins, CO 80525

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2520 S Grand Ave, Suite 212

Glenwood Springs, CO 81601

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