Longmont Recovery: Meeting People Where They Are At

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Longmont Recovery: Meeting People Where They Are At

Seeking help for addiction or mental health issues can feel like one of the most overwhelming and challenging moves we may ever have to make. That is also what makes it such an accomplishment when we decide to take that first step. Some would even say that reaching out for help is the biggest hurdle in the entire recovery process. Because of that fact, the opportunity must be taken advantage of fully, and treated accordingly, by seeking out a recovery center that is going to meet us at the exact place where we are at. This includes physically, mentally, and emotionally. In Colorado, many people have found this level of attention and understanding in the Longmont recovery community.

Taking Advantage of the ‘Recovery Acceptance Window'

Many people may be familiar with the term namaste," often used in yoga practices and meditation, but may not be entirely familiar with what it means. To distill it down to its essence, namaste means the light in me sees the light in you." This is also what is so important when first meeting with someone who is seeking mental health and/or addiction help – to fully see them as a person and not just as the issues that they are dealing with. The issues can be dealt with in time, but when we are first reaching out and feeling raw, we just need to be accepted and seen.

When someone finally decides to get help for their addiction or mental health issues, it is important to understand that time is of the essence. The window of recovery" can be very short. It is not uncommon for an individual to be ready for treatment but change their mind when they either overthink" it or perhaps begin to experience withdrawals. That is why this vulnerable period must be treated very sensitively because sometimes there is only one chance to get someone to accept the help they need.

Longmont Recovery and Meeting People Where They Are At

So, what exactly does meeting people where they are at really even mean?" What it means is empathizing with someone on a human level rather than at a clinical or diagnostic level.

It also means making sure this person knows that they are not alone. There is a term often used in the addiction and mental health community known as terminal uniqueness." What that means is that many people in active addiction or struggling with untreated mental illness become so isolated, and their world becomes so small, that they don't understand that other people are also experiencing the same tumult in their lives.

Now, perhaps more important than letting people know that they are not alone in what they went through is that they won't be alone in the recovery that they are about to embark on. Recovery is about shared experience, reliability, and meeting someone where they are at and letting them know that there will be a community supporting them is critical.

Turning Acceptance Into Action

Once an individual accepts help, it is important to determine what that help should look like. This is a big part of meeting someone where they are because it also helps determine the next steps they should take.

For example, for an individual who is in the later, more severe stages of addiction or mental health, it may be the best option to get them into residential care where they can get the most attention 24/7. However, for some individuals who do not need immediate inpatient care, a partial hospitalization program that offers full-day treatment may be the best option, of which there are many in the Longmont recovery community.

This is where meeting someone where they are is also so critical because if no connection is made and the wrong recovery program is chosen, it can not only push back someone's recovery timeline but even has the potential to sideline their recovery altogether.

The Benefits of Longmont Recovery

Another part of meeting someone where they are is also determining if the right recovery setting is right for them. For example, Longmont recovery offers individuals the ability to engage with nature (the Rocky Mountains) or integrate themselves into a city with an excellent recovery community (Denver). Longmont recovery also has some of the most reputable treatment centers with some of the most highly regarded specialists in the country.

Shared Experience: The Repoint Center and a Staff That Relates

Here at The Redpoint Center, we understand what it is like to take that first step to get help. That is because many of us have gone through it ourselves. Many of us specifically experienced the Longmont recovery scene. We can meet people where they are because we've been there too.

Yes, seeking help is one of the most challenging things we may ever have to do. But, we here at The Redpoint Center, who have been through it ourselves, also know firsthand that is the best thing we have ever done.

"Meeting clients where they are at" is part of our ethos here at The Redpoint Center. We understand how challenging it can be to reach out for help. That is why we make sure to connect to clients on their level because it is about individual needs rather than pre-set recovery plans. We make sure that individualized recovery plans are established for each of our clients as soon as the treatment process begins. If you feel like you or a loved one may need professional help for issues of addiction and/or mental health, we can help. For more information on effective and comprehensive recovery plans, please reach out to The Redpoint Center today at (303) 219-0973.


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1831 Lefthand Cir, Suite H

Longmont, CO 80501

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400 E Horsetooth Rd, Suite 202

Fort Collins, CO 80525

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2520 S Grand Ave, Suite 212

Glenwood Springs, CO 81601

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