How to Find Longmont Non-Residential Treatment Programs

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How to Find Longmont Non-Residential Treatment Programs
According to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the percentage of people 18 to 26 needing but not receiving treatment at a specialty facility for illicit drug use in the past year" was over 18% in Colorado. The numbers are similarly high with other age demographics in the state, with over seven percent in all of the other categories. To put that in perspective, that is over 41,000 people, or roughly one out of every 15 Coloradan, in need of adequate addiction care. For some of these individuals, Longmont non-residential treatment may be an ideal choice.

What Are Non-Residential Treatment Programs?

It is important to note that not all non-residential treatment programs are the same, and not all of them are created equally, either. Non-residential treatment programs are licensed programs offered by recovery centers and treatment facilities that do not require the individual to stay on the property.

Generally, these are programs that are best suited for individuals that are not in the later, more severe stages of addiction, have limited insurance, or are ultimately unable to commit to inpatient or residential care. Now, this does not make them any less effective or ideal than residential treatment; it just makes them more ideal and effective for certain individuals. Remember, a recovery plan is always effective when individualized, including the initial choice of type of treatment.

Another option for non-residential treatment is a partial hospitalization program (PHP), which is often overlooked as non-residential due to the name. But many PHPs only require continued intensive check-ins to the facility rather than prolonged stays. However, a PHP is a slightly more involved variation of non-residential treatment.

What Are the Benefits of Non-Residential Treatment?

There are many benefits to non-residential treatment. The primary one is the ability to remain active in one's external day-to-day life. However, while this is a very appealing benefit, it should not cloud the need for residential treatment if required. For example, if a detox is required, it is often recommended that residential care follow – at least at the beginning. Also, if there are issues at home or a lacking support system, residential care may be the right choice as those issues get resolved.

However, if these components are present, and non-residential care is optimal, these are some of the benefits that often accompany it:

  • The ability to connect with a community or 12-Step recovery program from the start
  • Allows for an easier transition away from a recovery program and back into individual accountability
  • A chance to keep family and loved ones more connected and involved in the process
  • It can be more cost-effective
  • Insurance often covers more costs regarding non-residential treatment
  • It still allows for intensive treatment and clinical oversight, which can help avoid initial relapse

An Ideal Environment: Longmont Non-Residential Treatment

While there is a relatively high number of individuals needing addiction care in Colorado, there are also many highly regarded treatment centers. This is especially true in the Longmont, Colorado area. The issue is that many people are not receiving the information and support they need to find the right treatment center.

One of the ideal locations in Longmont is The Redpoint Center. The Redpoint Center has some of the best non-residential programs in the area. With its immediacy to the Rocky Mountains as well as close proximity to Boulder and Denver, there is the option of nature immersion while also engaging in all of the benefits of having access to an urban hub.

Longmont also has an exceptional recovery community, which has both 12-Step and non-12-Step options. Also, at the Longmont location, The Redpoint Center can provide ongoing support after non-residential treatment, which includes the potential to engage with its sober living services. So, for both residential and non-residential individuals, Longmont can be an ideal location for both unplugging from active addiction and plugging into long-term recovery.

Longmont Non-Residential Treatment: The Recovery Mission at The Redpoint Center

While not a requirement of a recovery center, here at The Redpoint Center, we are a family-owned business, and that carries over to how we care for our clients. One of our maxims is meeting people where they are at." Just as we would with our own family members, we treat everyone based on who they are rather than their symptoms.

We also have a professional staff that brings their expertise and knowledge from some of the best treatment centers in the country. Together, The Redpoint Center has over 200 years of treatment experience, which is then focused solely on the client on an individualized basis with customized and comprehensive recovery plans.

The paradigm needs to shift for those that need recovery but cannot access it. Here at The Redpoint Center, we continue to be the epicenter of that shift. Because one out of 15 is not what caring for those that need the most help is supposed to look like.


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1831 Lefthand Cir, Suite H

Longmont, CO 80501

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400 E Horsetooth Rd, Suite 202

Fort Collins, CO 80525

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Glenwood Springs, CO 81601

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